Thursday, September 3, 2015

So much to do....

Currently on the needles:

- Dragonscale Shawl in Malabrigo Silky Merino in colorway Lettuce.
- Celestarium in Knitting Notions Classic Merino Superwash Sock in colorway Midnight.
- Lonely Tree Shawl in Malabrigo Merino Worsted in colorway Butter.

Currently on the hook:

- One Skein Lace Shawl in Loops and Threads Woolike in colorway Cool Gray.

October is going to be a bad month for me. There are so many birthdays and not enough time to get everything done. I am also seeing some friends that I only get to once a year, and they need presents, too, damnit!

This is, of course, on top of the 50 million projects that I've already promised people.

For any other crafter out there, this is nothing new to you. You promise all your friends and relatives that you'll make them something. You make the to do lists, buy the supplies, and gleefully get started. Soon enough, though, you find yourself drowning in projects. You decide to take a little break and maybe do some selfish crafting. Fifty new patterns later, you've added 8 more projects to your queue and they seem a lot more fun than what you were already working on. So you find something new for a friend to work on... Repeat until the end of time...

I'm trying hard to limit myself to only having a couple of active projects, but it doesn't seem to be working out. I was only working on the Dragonscale Shawl and the One Skein Lace Shawl. A project for me and a much overdue project for my grandmother. But then I realized it was already September and I have 80 thousand people I have to have something done for by next month, on top of a secret thing, and planning our next D&D session.

So, I'll be casting on at least three more projects and hoping that my loved ones forgive me when birthday gifts end up as Christmas gifts.

And since I currently don't have a phone with a functioning camera (thanks, Samsung!), I can only post  some old WIP pictures. I get my new phone tomorrow, though, so I won't be out of comission for long!

The Dragonscale Shawl.

Here, you can see the pattern a little better. As well as my addiction to a certain caffeinated beverage.

And for those curious as to what the bit of lace loveliness is in the picture above, this is a journal I made for my beloved neighbor and "other parent."

Now, speaking of my neighbor, let me tell you about these beautiful people that live behind me. My family has known them for years. They are honestly and truly some of the most kind, wonderful, and sincerely nice people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Renee is into all manner of antiques and old objects and has a passion for thrifting and repurposing things. She's a very craft lady, too. In other words, we get along famously.

Her husband, Kevin, is just as crafty and will talk to you about anything. Discussions with him are never boring, let me tell you.

Renee and I meet up once a week and have a day to just make things and solve the world's problems. It's great therapy for both of us. These visits have become one of the best parts of my week and I don't think I can truly express how grateful I am to have these people in my life. They genuinely care about us and I don't ever have to worry about being anything other than myself around them. They really are like another set of parents to me.

She's actually the one who encouraged me to start blogging again. So, to make her proud, I'm going to give it another go. I'm hoping to update at least once a week.

Now, time to go tackle some of those projects. Woo?


  1. go get crafting woman!!....although i dont know if i am telling you to do that or myself that i need to get back to working on things!!

    ~Caitlin D.

  2. I am honored to have you in my life my beautiful, talented, precious soul daughter....
