Monday, October 9, 2017


This clever title brought to you by the ever lovely Jamie. Because hell if I could think of one.

I'm exhausted, friends.

My mental illnesses have sent me on one hell of roller coaster recently. It feels like there are just as many bad days as good days right now. I'm not sure what exactly is causing this sudden change, but I'm hopeful that things are going to even out.

But in the meantime, you'll have to deal with a slightly less witty blogger.

Anyway, September has come and gone and there's no Mermaid Lair to show for it. There is, however, a new shawl in my collection.

One that was completely improvised, mind you. A good, mindless knit.

Say hello to Polar Bear in a Snowstorm.

It originally started as a scarf to wear with this dress.

But of course, this is me.

So it got 'Ashtaned'.

No regrets, though. It's the perfect middle size. Just a really good, satisfying knit.

But, for the love of Henry, my next project has GOT to be something with some damn patterning! Give me lace or give me death.


  1. Love this shawl! Great use of a gradient and it contrasts well with your hair :)

    1. Thank you! I'm super fond of it, too. Definitely one of those cozy fall knits I'm always enchanted by.
