Sunday, March 5, 2017

Shows and Sanctuaries

It's another list post because my brain is scrambled.


I can take selfies without a weird halo again!

2. Had a lovely time with Vi and John Friday at Brain Candy Live in Cleveland. We actually got there super early and had a great dinner before the show. After, we got some coffee and I saw a really cool clock that I really wish I could have stolen and taken with me.

3. And before you even ask, yes, I knit during the show. I managed to pull my yarn out of my bag, though, and couldn't reach down and grab it. Which led to an uncomfortable period of time of trying to keep it trapped so it wouldn't roll away until intermission. My hips are still feeling this.

4. I was totally in love with my outfit for the show. I WORE SPAAAACCCEEEEEE!!!!

5. I should be done with the selfies for this post now.

6. Finally got around to painting something that Jamie had suggested forver ago. A D&D themed tentacle piece.

7. My cats are fuzzy assholes and decided to try and eat my poor fuzzy cactus. So, I built him a little house.

Unfortunately, where I had to move him to, he wasn't getting enough light. So he's living at grandma's until I can find a better place here to keep him.

8. I managed to snag a couple of skeins of my favorite Tosh color (Earl Grey). It had been discontinued and was selling out rapidly. I know this is against my "no buying shawl yarn this year" commitment, but I felt an exception had to be made in this case. 

My rules anyway, right?

9. I've barely touched my knitting since I finished the Art and Coffee shawl . I worked a bit on my Grey Skies shawl yesterday, but I've been more on a painting kick lately. But I think I'm starting to feel the wooly urges again,

10. I cleaned the bedroom and took pictures today for a facebook group I'm part of. So, I'll share them here, too. See the wonder that is my little golden multi-function sanctuary! Painting, makeup-ing, yarning, and even sleeping! All can happen in this one little box!

11. I lied about being done with selfies.

But look at this preciousness.

The dog's pretty cute, too.

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