Sunday, February 26, 2017

Tiny Little Tidbits

You know what happens when you walk into a craft store and walk past the clearance section?

Bad things happen.

Well, to my wallet at least.

This time, the financial cost wasn't too bad. But I definitely lost some sleep because I came home and had to start painting.

I've managed to take my watercolors to a whole new level.

A much smaller level.


I painted a cactus the size of a dime.

Didn't think I'd leave out my tentacles, did you?

These are just the first two I've made. But I've got plans to make a dozen more. They're so much fun and quick.

It's also really cool to be able to display my other art skills while out in amongst the humans.

In other news, I had a very busy weekend.

I managed to finish my striped shawl. Only one little sneaky picture at the moment as I couldn't be arsed haven't had time to do a proper photo shoot.

On Friday, Vi and I went for a consultation on something really exciting. You'll have to wait for the 18th to see that one, though.

I'm just full of sneaky things today, aren't I?

I can be fully open to the fact that I enjoyed a wonderful lunch with John and my darling Sea, who happens to be in town for the weekend. 

We had a delicious lunch at Mustardseed and really enjoyed the live band playing there.

When we got home, I finally forced myself into weaving in the ends for poor John's fingerless gloves. I had planned on duplicate stitching the triforce on at least one of them, but that went about as well as you could expect.

So, plain gloves for my love, but he doesn't seem to mind.

He's yet to take them off.

Score one for the wife. 

And hey, only a week late for our anniversary.

Guess I'll pat myself on the back and reward myself by buying some new yarn. 

That's only fair, right?

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