Sunday, July 30, 2017

Faire, Weather, Friends

Now that I'm home for more than 5 minutes, I can finally talk about Ren Faire last weekend.

It ended up raining the whole way there, but managed to stop just as we pulled in the parking area. Still the place was a muddy mess. I wisely decided to wear my boots, and if you know anything about me and how much I abhor anything on my feet, that should tell you just how muddy it was.

But we still had a bunch of fun.

We took some pictures.

Some of us took sneaky pictures while we were watching various shows.

I found a goat statue. 

We shot some bows.

 We watched some jousting.

And then we got ready for the ball and tried not to melt.

That fan was the best $5 I've ever spent, let me tell you. The humidity was unbearable.

All in all, it was a pretty fun day. There's already discussion about costumes for next year. Maybe I should start that now...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful events and you are looking gorgeous along with all your other friends with you. That was actually a good day for you. Keep on your life and hope that more such days come into your life.
