Monday, April 30, 2018


Spring always seems to be the time of year that I struggle the most creatively. We're usually so busy with so many different things that I feel like I can't even sit for 5 minutes and get my head together.

It's been especially bad this year, after the hellacious winter we suffered.

I've been drifting from project to project, not really finding satisfaction in anything.

Lunar Phase has been put into the basket I affectionately refer to as "The Coffin"...

Meaning that the likelihood of it seeing the light of day before the end of this century is pretty much nill.

And Elder Tree followed soon behind.

Mojito still has a pulse since I plan on wearing it to my class reunion next month. But it's been a battle to even work through it.

So I gave myself a week off, especially since I had something going on literally every day this past week.

Instead, I worked on a couple of dice bags for my D&D group.

And you know what?

It felt really good.

Like really, really good.

I also took the time to reorganize and fold all of my shawls, trying each on as I went. And that caused ALL THE FEELINGS!

I'm actually wanting to work again. Actually wanting to knit. And it feels so nice to have that spark again. That little seedling of creativity growing, sprouting, shoving its way out.

So, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to knit.

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