Thursday, April 12, 2018

Lying, Cheating, Cold Deadbeating, Two-Timing, Double Dealing Mean Mistreating Wanderin' Heart

What? What's this that I'm working on?

No, it's not Lunar Phase.

Yes, I know. I'm a no-good, dirty, lying, cheating scoundrel. You're completely right.

I should be powering through and finishing Lunar Phase. But frankly, I just don't want to.

I saw what the finished wrap was going to look like... and I will never wear it. It's not my style in any way, shape, or form. I actually would probably hate it so much that it would never see the light of day. And that's really not fair to the gorgeous yarn.

But I like the aesthetic of it. The stripey-ness is quite charming. If that's all the shawl were, I'd probably like it more. So, I'm going to Ashtan it. I'll end up with a half-circle shawl that still pays homage to the original design.

But it's miles and miles and miles of just straight knitting with nary a yarn over or decrease in sight.

How am I supposed to survive that?!

So, we have my side chick of a shawl here. Just enough to tempt me and tease me and give me all the lacy yarn overs and decreases that Lunar Phase cannot.

A respite, the wool equivalent of a long soak in the tub.

Lunar Phase is still a beautiful thing and fulfilling a need in my life. But I'm a person of varied tastes and interests. I need more than just the same dish every night.

Does this make me polyyarnorous?

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