Thursday, August 9, 2018

Taking a Bullet at Journaling... Wait a Sec...

So, if any of you know me half as well as you think, you could say that I'm... less than organized. That may be the kindest phrasing.

I like the idea of organization and keeping my life on track, but I'm shit at it. "Daily journaling" becomes "day of journaling," and then is never thought about again.

Well, at least until I see a new pretty journal that I HAVE to have, as the basket of mostly empty ones beside my bed will attest to.

So when the bullet journal fad kept popping up in my social media, I thought "ooooooooh, new thing!" immediately followed by, "for a week."

I wasn't going to participate. Nope, not me! No sense in it!

But it kept nagging me. That little voice in the back of my head started really trying to convince me. And then it pretty much sold me when it pointed out that we could rope John into it, too.

I had bought myself one of the famed dot grid notebooks a while back, intending on using it for knitting projects.

For those of you not in the know, you always have to give the 'specs on your set-up for your fellow bujo junkies. This baby right here is a Dingbats A5+ Dot Grid Notebook in Green Deer. And it's been serving me well.

My first weekly spread (spread is the lingo for them fancy cohesive layouts you make across a pair of page) was inspired by one I saw on reddit.

Of course, I put my own spin on it. The original was black and white and the doodles were completely different. But I was still pretty impressed with myself.

Then I started buying all the bits and bobs that go along with it, including these adorable cactus stamps.

I also got a nice set of fine liners in 36 different colors off of Amazon. I was a little nervous about them, especially for being so cheap, but I've been pleasantly surprised.

This week's spread was done entirely with them.

But it's not just weekly planning that I'm using my journal for. Take a look at my Fade spread.

Which, by the way, is now OUT OF DATE!

That's right! I finished the monster. But you'll have to wait for that one.

If the weather holds up, I'm hoping to be able to take pics this weekend.

Guess I should go add that to my bullet journal now.

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