Friday, January 4, 2019

In Which I Make a Crappy Pun

As I have said so many times before (hundred of times by this point, I'm sure) 2018 was a Bad Year.

Me in January of 2018:

Bright eyed, smiling, ready for a new year!

Me, now:

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how to smile by this point. And we won't discuss the airport's worth of luggage under my eyes that show up even with my beauty filter turned up high...

I know, I know, I'm as sick of saying it as you are of hearing it. But bear with me just this one last time. There will be actual knitting this time, I promise!

Back in January, I had said that I wanted to take the year off from doing a monthly knitting goal. I was just coming off of the Twelve Shawls project, which was intense and emotional and exhausting. I thought I needed a break.

Instead, I dealt with a year of aimless wanderings in regards to my creativity. It felt like every other week, I would start something, then immediately lose focus. I felt paralyzed and lost.

Don't get me wrong, I still managed to get quite a few projects done this year, some with some ridiculously tight deadlines. But it never felt quite as satisfying as it did with the Twelve Shawls.

So, this year, I'm back to a monthly knitting goal. But I think it's going to be A LOT easier on me physically, mentally, emotionally... not to mention financially.

Ready to hear about it? I thought so.

Beside my bed there lives a basket...

And in this basket, there are many, many, many bags...

And in each of those bags is a project that has fallen by the wayside.

You know where this is going.

The plan is to finish a project each month. Some of it will be easy AF. Others.... well, what's a year of knitting without some slogs?

Keen eyed observers may notice there's only 11 projects up there. That's because I do have to factor in some time to do The Most Important Shawl Ever this year.


But that's still a ways off, so let's get back to the knitting stuff.

I think this will be a nice balance because I have so much more flexibility. I'll still have time to do any other project that strikes my fancy, while still having a set goal. Accomplishment and freedom? Sign me up.

I've decided to name this year's goal 'Knit or Get Off the Pot.'


Alternatively 'Get Knit Done', if you're not inclined to potty humor.

I have another thing to discuss with y'all, but I'll get back to it later. Time's a little short at the moment seeing as I have to go get ready for the very first pj party of the year at Harps & Thistles.

So, toodles! Chat soon, yeah?

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