Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Four Shawls, Five Days

I am SO behind on what I've been doing. I apologize for that, but you know how much life just loves to dump it on you, both the good and the bad.

First of all, Jass has been given the all clear! Thank you so much to everyone who donated money to help us out. It was so appreciated!

So, on to the knitting!

Last month, I participated in a super fun knitting exercise that was meant to help you learn fundamental shawl shapes and how to design with them. It was started and is run by Frenchie of Aroha Knits.

Each day for 5 days, you knit a miniature shawl of a specific shape. You ideally give yourself only 30 minutes to do the whole thing.

If you're new to shawl knitting, it really helps to show you how most shawls are constructed.

If you're someone like me, who is pretty comfortable with most shawl shapes, it's a fun way to test out different ideas or patterns.

AND let's not forget the BEST part: you get 5 mini shawls at the end to do with as you please!

I had fully intended to participate and finish the project, but unfortunately we got the bad news about Jass on the final day. So, I didn't actually get around to finishing mine.

But I can at least show you the ones I did get done!

Day one was triangles.

I chose to focus on texture, doing a seed stitch body and a cabled spine. Edge was just garter stitch with a picot bind off.

Day two was crescent.

I really was just looking for an excuse to use this yarn combo again. Carnival might be in my top 3 favorite color ways.

Day three (and my least favorite, if I'm honest) was asymmetrical triangle.

I chose to do an arrow shape, which is basically two asymmetrical shawls together. It was fine, but I'm just not an asymmetrical person.

The last one I got to do was the 3/4's shawl.

I flipped things around compared to the triangle shawl by doing a garter stitch body and a seed stitch border.

So, what exactly does one do with four mini shawls?

Well, I decided that they needed to be showcased properly. Afterall, I already have other art pieces hanging around. And isn't knitting just another form of art?

The best part is that the front of the shadowbox opens. So if I ever want to redo any of the shawls, it's easy AF to change them out!

Thank you, Frenchie, for putting on such a fun challenge. I'm looking forward to participating again soon!

To everyone else, there should be a new blog post this weekend because...

...I finished the rainbow monster.

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