Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Best Laid Plans of Lions and Bags

Well, we're on the second month of my monthly goal of getting my WIP basket down to zilch...

And I've already failed.


I'm here to tell you that February's project is just not getting done.

I had intended to finish my Gryffindor bag that I had started clear back in 2017. I just needed to make the liner for it and figure out what the hell I wanted to do for a strap.

Originally I had planned on trying to weave it, but I am not any good at weaving. Crocheting or knitting it would result in a ridiculously stretched out thing that wouldn't hold up at all.

So my only alternative to get the look I wanted was to find something premade. And I did. Clear in Australia.

I ordered it at the beginning of the month. It got here towards the end. And, well, it wasn't going to work.

See in my head, I had convinced myself that the bag was a brighter red than it actually is. In reality, it's much darker.

But hey, no problem, right? I could totally just dye it since it was made of silk.


That also spectacularly failed.


My project just isn't getting done.

Unless you'll let me count a dice bag that I promised Bethany last year?

A win by technicality is still a win, right?

Especially if I made three of those bags in the course of a week?

Yep, that's what I'm doing, then.

Besides, I write the rules. And I can bend them to my damn will.

So stay tuned for those.

As for you, Gryffindor Bag...

Well, it's back in time out for you.

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