Thursday, February 28, 2019

Dice Bags for Days

You already know that I have a thing for yarn, but you know what else is super fun and alluring to collect massive piles of?

That would be dice, my friends.

D&D entered my life 4 or 5 years ago and I fell absolutely in love. And like everything I get into, I fell in hard. 

Minis, maps, rulebooks, supplemental guides... I started hoarding it all. But of all the accessories that go along with D&D, dice quickly became my newest addiction.

The beautiful little bastards are little candy colored gems of temptation. You start with just one of two sets and next thing you know you basically need a small suitcase to hold them all.

Unless, of course, you are a knitter. Then you get to make your own dice bags. 

Almost a year ago, John, Vi, Bethany and I started playing our own D&D game. And like a good DM, I provide for my players. So I dutifully made everyone their own dice bag. 

I think I may have even posted about them here before. 

I assumed that one bag each would be enough to tide everyone over for awhile, even though I myself already needed multiple.

I had what I referred to as my DM Dice Bag that held all of the sets I use when I run the game. (Those are the ones pictured above) But I am also playing as a character in our campaign, so I HAD to have a bag to hold all of my sets specifically for my character.

Oh, you wanted to see the dice, too?

My character has a fire and water thing going on, so all of her sets reflect that.

Aren't they gorgeous?

Anyway, as I was dealing with my own minor dice addiction, I didn't realize just how far down the polyhedral hole Bethany had fallen down. She commissioned me for two more bags, one of which was delivered last year. But the other I had to postpone until after Christmas, which she kindly was okay with.

So, I'm counting fulfilling that promise as my Knit or Get Off the Pot project for February.


Oh, you want pictures of the bag?


...That's about the best I can do.

I kinda maybe sort-of perhaps...

But I can assure you that Bethany is quite happy with it!

And I may or may not have immediately cast on, knit, bound-off, washed, and blocked another one for myself in the 6 hours that followed finishing hers. 

Okay, I know! But listen! I have SPECIAL DICE that needed their own bag!

And I had some VERY SPECIAL pom-poms that needed something amazing to use them on!

So I made myself this.

And now it's hanging out all happy and content with my other bags.

What's that? The lil bag there in the front? Well, that's the dice bag that I made to hold the dice I use for my character's crow companion.

Heck, I think I even shared it here before. But what I didn't share before were the INCREDIBLY ADORABLE AND TINY DICE I HAVE FOR HIM!

To give you an idea of size, a normal d20 is about the width of a quarter.


...Are just a wee bit smaller.

I have discovered a bit of a problem with these bags, though.

They're just too damn fun and easy to make.

Because I have ANOTHER one to show you, this time one I made for Emmy. That I knit right after finishing mine. 

And I *may or may not* have another one on the needles...

For me...

Just to put all my green dice in...


In other knitting news, I had the absolute pleasure of blocking this FUCKING MAGNIFICENT BEADED PIECE OF WITCHCRAFT for Mikayla.

It's so pretty and wonderful and I am just agog at how many beads went into it.

As for myself, I have been working on the ceremony shawl over the last few days. My beads finally came in, so I felt like I should actually get going on it.

I bought two different types of beads, assuming that I'd just decide which one to actually use when they got here.

You know what happened. 

I love both of them so much that I am using both.

The shawl itself is not even a fifth of the way through and it's already over a foot in diameter. 

This thing is going to be a damn cape by the end of this.

Guess I should get back to it.

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