Monday, March 11, 2019

Socks and Shores

Unlike last month, this month's unfinished project was cranked out at an unbelievable speed.

I ended up finishing up the lavender socks I started last September. I had one sock fully done, and had originally started the second one right after, but I realized that I had screwed up the color repeat. And I was NOT about to have fraternal socks, damnit. So they got shoved into time out until a few days ago.

I was actually waffling a bit between finishing the socks or finishing Mystic Star, but laziness won out.

So I pulled them out, and got right to work.

And immediately had to rip everything out and start over AGAIN.

There was a knot in the yarn in a spot that would likely rub against my toe.

So after much swearing and cursing and frogging, I ACTUALLY got started. And I just started flying through it.

 It took me just two days to finish the second sock.

And now...


And as a bonus treat, we took these babies on the road with us to Cleveland on Saturday.

We went up to hang out with Mikayla at River Colors Studio, my yarn shop away from home. Her and Steph had so kindly gotten me a gift card for my birthday (it totally wasn't an excuse for us to go yarn shopping..... nope, not at all...) and I had a hankering for some yarn for a new project.

We'll get to that later, though.

First, I have to give an ENORMOUS thanks to the ladies at River Colors for having the patience to deal with this.

We were going to the bakery next door for lunch, so I asked if they would mind winding my purchases while we ate.

When John and I came back half an hour later, we saw that mess and I felt SO BAD!

Whoever tied the skein at the place where it was manufactured didn't do it right and it just turned into a giant mess as soon as the ladies tried to wind it.

It took over two hours and three different people working to untangle and hand wind it into a ball.

My other two skeins took like 3 minutes to do.

So, thanks again, you intrepid, wonderful women, for sorting that mess out.

After that, John and I checked out this little place called Rocky River Park which was a 5 minute drive from the yarn shop. It was just a wee little place, but you could walk right down on the little beach there beside Lake Erie.

There was so much driftwood washed up on the shore, it was incredible. And not little pieces. We're talking huge logs and branches. And in some cases what looked like the whole damn tree.

It was the perfect spot to grab a few (and I do mean only a few. It was freezing!) pictures of my socks.

I hadn't brought a coat because it was a little warmer that day, but that was a huge mistake. I nearly froze to death.

But just for you, dear readers, I suffered through it.

Really though, I was completely enthralled with the whole place. I had never actually gotten to be that close to the lake.

We even took a few pictures of Mermaid Lair because the scenery was so beautiful. (What? I HAD to wear a shawl to the yarn shop!)

I also brought home a few little treasures I found.

Yarn, friends, time with John, good food, and a trip to the lake... it was a pretty spectacular day.

Oh? You want to see the yarn I bought?

Now, the blue in the bottom is from the stash, but that bright pink and gold came home with me.

I know, they're not my normal colors. But I was absolutely blown away by a shawl I saw on Instagram by Pepperminta and the inspiration bug bit hard. (Go show them some love!)

I'll actually be doing the same Teroldego Shawl pattern as in the picture, assuming that I can get this icord edge to work out.

Anyway, there was another ball we ended up buying while waiting for the Great Untangling, but I don't have a handy pic of that. And I have other things to do, like show off how good my makeup game was over the weekend.

Guess I'll sign off for now and go play with my new pretties.

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