Tuesday, March 19, 2019


For the past two months, my beloved phone has been acting up. Some of it I could handle. The battery barely lasting, the random disconnects from the wifi, the dysfunctioning apps, sure. But when the camera decided that it no longer wanted to focus on anything... well, that was more than I could handle.

So, it was time for an upgrade.

I ended up getting another LG, the V40 this time. Mostly because it offered me FIVE CAMERAS to play with.

Yes, FIVE of them.

I haven't had much chance to mess around with them, but I have at least a little taste of just how much better my pictures of my crafts will end up being on here.

This is the start of my Teroldego shawl and I am just THRILLED that the colors actually came out how they look in person!

The old camera (when it wasn't being a tempermental beast) absolutely ruined the colors.

You can see how washed out it is, and this is even with me trying to adjust things.


I was having fun scampering about the house, taking all sorts of random little snapshots.

Saying 'aloe to my plant babies...

And their protectors...

Prickles was looking particularly handsome.

I even got some of my not-so-living plant babies.

And look at my dragon boi!

I even got a couple of the furry babes in all their glory.

This was a little bit of deliciousness that I had made for myself and it came out looking like something from a food blog.

And I'll leave you with this glorious scene.

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