Sunday, April 21, 2019

Forgotten Corners

This month's KoGotP project takes us back to October of last year. I had started a Halloween themed Boo Knits shawl called Cobweb using a beautiful grey lace yarn and matte grey beads.


I got bored with all the beading.

Listen, it was around 800 beads for the pattern as written. And you KNOW I never do it as written.

So it got put to the wayside until I found this gorgeous yellow dress in Torrid that I thought Cobweb would look gorgeous with.

And I was right.

The knitting itself wasn't hard. It was all knitting, no purling.

No, what gave me trouble was that for the first time ever, my gauge was smaller than the pattern called for. Which meant I had to repeat a bunch of the charts.

I had so many dang stitches on the needles, let me tell you. But I thought the worst of it was over. Just had to do a quick picot bind-off and I'd be done.

Wouldn't take more than a few hours, right?


Two days.

Two. Damn. DAYS!

And the damn heat and sweat from my hands was felting the yarn as I went, making it even harder to actually do the friggin bindoff.

I *almost* put it in time out again.

But I didn't. I kept on going, cursing the whole while.

And I can't argue with the results. It was totally worth it.

Though I do wonder if I picked the right beads.

A lot of the other projects on Ravelry for this shawl have super shiny beads and bright colors, supposedly mimicking a beautiful web in the garden with the morning dew shimmering on it.

But that was too unicorn and candy rainbows for me. I thought instead of all the dirty, dusty cobwebs in the forgotten corners of a home, filled with all the little spider friends that are kind enough to eat the more bothersome bugs.

Maybe the matte beads were the best choice. You can only see them if you look closely, much like a small house spider.

Thought I *did* add one little bit of shine to my shawl.

Can you see him there, climbing down, looking for prey in his web?

This might be one of my favorite features I've ever added to a shawl.

I think I'll be favoring this one for quite a while.

Welp, guess it's time to cast on a new shawl!

*tosses Cobweb into the finished pile*

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