Sunday, April 28, 2019

Frustration Station

You ever have one of those mornings (okay, well, it was after noon when I woke up, but the point still stands) where you just get flooded with frustrating/overwhelming/upsetting news all in one go?

Yeah, that's how my day's started off, so instead of the more thought-provoking and serious topic I HAD wanted to talk about, you get a list post instead.

1. First and foremost, the guy who was fixing my phone has entirely disappeared. Kiosk is gone. The mall office can't even find him. So... we're out the $160 we paid for the part. At least he didn't have my phone, right?

2. I don't think I ever showed off the second Destination Yarn subscription color I got.

It's called Carnival in Venice. It's hard to see, but there's gold sparkle in it.

2. We went to Local Yarn Shop Day at Harps and Thistles yesterday and my makeup was looking pretty dang good,

3. I came home with two skeins of Malabrigo Mechita in Carnival.

Look familiar? It should. It's the same color from Carnival in the Castle that I made last September.

4. I also went out with Bethany yesterday for a bit of shopping and by far my favorite find was a washi tape organizer.

5. One of the very first cactuses I ever got, Prickles, ended up getting blown over from wind. When I went to put him back into the pot, the plant separated, so now I have Prickles and Pickles.

6. My snowflake aloe are looking super happy and healthy, which makes me so happy. I was worried about them when we first brought them home.

7. All my babies in the bedroom also seem to be pretty happy.

8. I started on the shawl I want to wear to Great Lakes Fiber Show.

Yes, it's something lacey and beaded. Because that's all I know how to do apparently.

9. I really don't have much else to say, so have a pet picture to take us out.

10. Wait, no, I lied. I redid my shrine to Henry, so have a pretty picture with all the candles lit up.

Okay, NOW I'm actually done. Toodles!
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