Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Gift of Knowing

It's no secret that I have a love affair with anything knit and lacy. I'm known for making shawls. And I have made *a few* over my years as a knitter.

But I quickly found myself with a dilemma.

I have SO MANY shawls that I simply cannot wear and love them all as they deserve.

I had toyed with the idea of selling them, but it just didn't feel right to me.

I don't bemoan or look down on other fiber crafters who sell their wares. If that's what you want to do, I support you 100% and will happily direct customers your way!

But for me, selling my knitting isn't an option I'm willing to consider.

My knitting is my joy and my gift. It's my way of bringing something beautiful into the world.

It's given me a community, a place to belong, to learn and grow and explore. And not just about knitting and other fiber crafts. But about identity, diversity, and learning how to step up and fight for others.

And a sense of accomplishment, of drive to always chase the next goal. The rush of elation when you conquer something that was troubling you before.

And a voice. A way to speak about what has been trapped inside for so long.

With as much happiness and love that my crafting has brought me, I feel it's only right to give it right back.

So, I've been slowly whittling down the collection.

It's a very gradual process because I have to wait until the shawl lets me know where it should be.

Yes, yes, I know. It seems rather silly.

But these shawls are a part of me. Something I've crafted with my hands, pouring love, joy, time... and yes, anger, sadness, and frustration, too... into them. They each have their own creation stories, with roadblocks, funny anecdotes, sad tales woven in. I am them and they are me. We are each others stories.

Finding the proper stewards for these pieces of my soul isn't something to be rushed.

And let me tell you something...

I haven't been wrong yet on who to give them to.

It's another gift.

A gift of knowing who needs a shawl, a tangible gift of love and comfort, the most.

Last week, I passed Mojito on to its new steward.

It had been fidgety here. All the feelings and realizations that happened while making and wearing it were still there, clinging to the yarn. This was a shawl that needed to move, to travel, to be allowed to be shown to the world.

So I gave it to someone who is going to do exactly that.

In fact, I've been informed that Mojito will be going to Canada very soon, after first heading to its new home in Colorado.

So goodbye, you beautiful creature. And thank you for the lessons you taught me. Fly free.

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