Thursday, April 21, 2016

Lunching, Leaving, and Kitties

Well, I've officially filled my Crazy Cat Lady stamp card.

We took in my mom's two cats, bringing our grand total to 7 felines. And while they are acting like they've always lived here, there are some rules that they're going to have to learn soon. Namely, WE DON'T EAT ASHTAN'S YARN!

Loki wasn't terribly happy when he got a gentle bop on the nose with a firm"no!" when he decided to dive into my lap to chase my yarn. He gave me that look of disdain that only cats seem to be capable of and sauntered off.

The prince of mischief himself.

OJ hasn't been much better. He only tries to bat at the working yarn, but his biggest offense is just to throw himself on top of my work and demand attention. He's a giant butterball of purring love.

Speaking of my mom, she's currently on vacation in one of the Carolinas. Which means that we've got to also take care of her turtle, Tank. Em decided she didn't want to go with me, so grandpa tagged along.

I decided to take him to Moe's for lunch, but we had to kill a couple of minutes before they opened, so we stopped by Harps and Thistles. He seemed enchanted by the place.

And in true grandpa fashion, he had slipped me some extra spending money, so I treated myself to a skein of Three Irish Girls from their trunk show.

We were the first customers of the day at Moe's. We had the whole place to ourselves, which was just lovely. He enjoyed his lunch and I think I finally can get him to admit that Applebee's no longer holds the title of best burger for him.

I think the end is finally in sight for Celestarium. I'm trying to set a goal of 7 rows a day for myself. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but 7 rows equates to over 4,000 stitches a day. I think another solid week of work will see it done. Then I have to block the behemoth.

I was also commissioned to make a journal by my grandma for one of her coworkers.

Which led to another one of her coworkers to ask if she could buy one. So I made this one for her.

I also made up some mini notebooks just for fun.

I did take a break from my crafting to spend a lovely day out with Miss Bethany. We found her dress for the vow renewal (which is a month from today!), as well as shoes for my outfit.

I found a few other things, as you can see, including my very first tunic (blue on the left). I found a pair of leggings to match them perfectly online, but couldn't buy them until this weekend. They were almost sold out, so I was kind of bummed. Well, a dear friend stepped in and decided to purchase them for me.

Seriously, I have amazing friends!

I plan on making her a journal as a thank you once I replenish my supplies.

I suppose I should get off my arse and actually get my daily knitting quota done. The sooner I do, the sooner I can get back to just doing fun projects.

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