Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Lists on a Tuesday

My resolve to post twice a week kind of got thrown into a tizzy. Last week was a bit of a whirlwind. So many things happened, good things, that if I were to write them all up properly, my post would be a mile long.

So, let's list this shite.

1.) First and foremost, I became the Social Media Coordinator for Kevin and Renee's lovely honey company! I mostly help out with things like the facebook page, twitter, and instagram feeds, as well as helping them figure out how to get things to work in certain ways on various sites.

I'm not going to lie, it's a cushy job. I get to work with people I love, hang out with them and their lovely dogs on my work days, and learn all kinds of stuff about bees and the bee keeping process! I actually get excited to go to work, which is what everyone strives for.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to join their company and am looking forward to so many fun-filled work days.

If you'd like, check out all of our social media links below.

2.) Great Trails kind of snuck up on us. I took a few pictures of us setting up for this year that I thought some of you would like to see.

3.) I haven't done much in the way of knitting here recently. Instead, I've been working on some embroidery. Specifically, a flag for camp.

That's right! We got us a logo! I still have to add the yarn balls and trailing tails up the goat's legs. Then I get to turn the whole mess into a pretty nifty little flag. I'll make sure to take a picture next weekend of it hanging in camp.

4.) This is my new godpup, and I love him. I can't wait to play doting godmother. 

5.) Very good and very happy things are happening in my romantic life. I want to talk about them here, but am slightly hesitant to do so. There's a blog post forming in my head regarding all of this that I may post later this week.

6.) The kid is back in school. By this time next year, she'll be a high schooler. #FeelsBadMan

7.) And to round out and close this post, I leave you with some internet tax.

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