Friday, September 23, 2016

Simply Made and Simply Done

As much as I love my complicated lace projects, sometimes I just need some pretty yarn and a simple pattern.

Remember Vi's lovely Age of Brass and Steam? It was so beautifully done that I had to make one for myself. She used Malabrigo Silky Merino, and I happened to have some in my stash, so I pulled it out and got to work.

This was my relaxing and traveling project. When I just needed something fast and easy, I could toss it in my bag. I wasn't expecting to finish it so soon, but hey, I'm not complaining.

I used most of four skeins in color Piedras, though my labels were misprinted as Piedra.

I was lazy as hell *creative* and decided that rather than alternating my skeins like you should, I would just work one skein at a time in its entirety. And I really love the results.

This is actually the smallest shawl I've knit for myself. It's only got a 82 inch wingspan. I know, I know. It's still giant technically.

What can I say? I make big shawls. I can't help it.

And if I didn't hate myself enough, I decided to do a picot edging. Did I mention there were nearly 350 stitches by that point?

But it does look absolutely fabulous.

But time for simple things is over. Now, I'm doing something in black lace, with matte black beads, on my darkest needles.

I only hate myself a little bit.

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