Sunday, February 5, 2017

Insert Creative Title Here

This past week has seen a rapid amount of up and down swings for me. It's left me feeling emotionally and physically drained and I just don't have the energy to write a long and witty post. So, list it is.

1. I finally got brave enough to put some bright color on my hair. It's purple now.

2. Because of the above, I've turned into a selfie monster.

3. No, I don't see this as a problem. And yes, I'm rocking green lipstick. Jade from Coloured Raine. Highly recommend it.

4. Orchid Thief is still not done. I had to buy ANOTHER damn skein for the edging. And if my calculations are correct, I'll be binding off 595 stitches.

5. Yes, my Christmas decorations are still up. No, this doesn't bother me. No, I have no plans on taking them down any time soon. Yes, because I am lazy.

6. I did a lot of painting this week.

The last one was a challenge to only use the paint I had left over in my palette. Not my best work, but a fun exercise.

7. I accidentally bought more lace weight yarn. And by "accidentally" I mean I did so with full comprehension and no regrets.

8. I may have also bought beads to go with it.

9.  I stumbled upon this is my stash and think it would look fabulous with my hair, so this might jump to the top of the queue after Orchid Thief.

10. I played Minecraft with Jamie, John, and another friend from 5pm yesterday to 3am this morning. It was hella fun, I've built a lovely little home and will grab a screenshot to share next time I'm on the server.

11. I'm doing the Yarnlove Challenge on instagram. You should go check it out.

That's all I've got in me today, folks. I'm going to go try and slog my way through a few more rows of Orchid Thief so today isn't a complete wash. 

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