Saturday, May 20, 2017

Meaningful Gestures

I used to think that being in a relationship meant that you had to basically be the same person. You had to like similar food, have the same taste in music, share every hobby...

Yes, I know. I was utterly ridiculous.

Needless to say, I've wizened up over the years.

John's got his interests, I've got mine. And we have some that we share.

But I still feel like it's important to at least try and understand why John likes the things that he does. I went so far as to take a programming class in college to at least be able to comprehend a little bit of what he was talking to me about.

Not to mention that trying out some of his interests led us to developing a shared passion for board gaming.

But John's never really shown any interest in trying out any of my hobbies.

Sure, he'll sit there and happily listen to me ramble on and on about what I'm doing. He may even take a passing stab to at least understand some of the jargon coming out of my mouth.

But to actually pick up some needles or a paintbrush and give it a go?


Well, not until recently that is.

That's right. My darling husband finally picked up some needles to try his hand at a bit of knitting.

It's not much, but to me, it's worth more than any shiny rock he could ever give me.

Watching him slowly start to understand how to manipulate the yarn and the needles into a workable fabric was awesome. He smacked my hand away, determined to learn for himself.

I'm not going to lie, there may have been some tears and giddiness on my part.

And while I don't think I'm going to have to worry about my best stash disappearing in the middle of the night, I'm happy enough knowing that he gave it a go at all.

And maybe, just maybe, next time I ask him to finish this damn row, there will be a little hesitation before he says no.

P.S. He read over my shoulder a bit as I was writing this and would like me to inform you all that he's determined to learn more because, and I quote, "I got a taste of it. And damnit, I'm going to learn. I'm not going to let it defeat me."

Be still, my wooly little heart.

1 comment:

  1. Relationships are precious. Living together make you interested in eachother's interest. That is really a nice gesture of love by your husband.
