Thursday, May 11, 2017

Weird Wide Web

Today was weird. And painful.

Definitely an emphasis on painful.

It started off with me waking up from strange, half-forgotten dreams. Nothing too terrible, but disturbing enough to make me feel a bit off.

I shook it as much as I could and forced my focus into the direction of the good things that were happening.

Like the case and keyboard for our new tablet coming in. Which, by the way, I'm using right now. It's bloody incredible.

I was also determined to get my loom set up properly since I had FINALLY discovered exactly what type and brand it was and what I needed for it.

I mean, it involved having to tie hundreds of knots seeing as it required these things called string heddles, but what's a pair of sore hands when learning a new fiber craft is the result?

 I was deep into my work when my body was like, "Yo, bathroom time, lady."

Wisely heeding the signs, I grabbed my phone and settled in for a bit of redditing. But then, horror struck. I think my facebook post from earlier explains it properly.

After leaving the bathroom a changed woman, I threw myself back into the knot tying frenzy.
I had just finished them when John finally walked in the door. Poor dear went to Pat Catan's for me to purchase a few last minute things I needed for my weaving venture. But the loom was done and ready for me to give it a go.

We can fast forward a bit to where I actually started weaving. It wasn't pretty, but damnit, it was a start.

I stayed up much too late and spent way too long hunched over. When I finally stepped away from the loom, I couldn't stand up straight. And holy sheep, I was tired.

But I needed a shower. Desperately. So I hobbled into the bathroom and got myself to bathing.

And apparently reached the levels of exhaustion where your brain turns into a jumpy, screamy mess. I was washing when I glanced down and saw a GIGANITC FUCKING SPIDER OH MY GOD KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!!!!!!

Just when I was ready to slice off my arm with my razor and douse myself in a cleansing fire, I realized what I had seen.

It was the bottom of my bloody tattoo.


The adrenalin spike was enough to get me through the shower and out to dry. I cracked open the door to get some ventilation and our cat, Loki, came sauntering in to demand attention. And apparently I wasn't doing an adequate enough job because the little fuck decided to bite me. On my ass.

And now I'm sitting here, ready to finally give in and go the fuck to sleep. Because I am beyond done with today. But I had to write about all this shit first. Because some days are just strange enough to warrant a proper memorial to their oddity.

Here's hoping that tomorrow is marvelously mundane.

1 comment:

  1. Every day is not a sunday, you will come across a day which is wierd but it is on you how to take it. Lovely piece of writing, keep it up
