Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Singing 'Bout my Rain

You know the old adage about April showers, right? How apropo then that April's shawl was Rainshine by Boo Knits.

And yes, I'm totally just realizing now the coincidence I totally planned this in a well-thought out manner...

Okay, okay, I only started working on this particular shawl because I was infatuated with the squishy goodness that is the Yellow Labradorite colorway from Blackcat Fibers LLC.

I mean, how was I supposed to resist this?

(Photo courtesy of Blackcat Fibers.)

And the Rainshine pattern seemed like it would compliment a variegated yarn rather well.

But of course, I had to go and Ashtan the whole thing.

It wasn't enough to just add the standard beads that the pattern called for. Oh no. I had to make this *special*.

So I decided to add real labradorite beads on each of the points in the rather dramatic edging.

Yep. Every single little point has a bead that had to be HAND SEWN on because the holes weren't big enough to thread the yarn through.

But it was totally worth it. This shawl is absolutely stunning to behold.

I, of course, made it much larger than the original pattern. I went to 199 stitches before starting the lace charts. And ended up doing 5 repeats of those rather than 3.

The result is a perfectly sized piece just for me.

Yeah, I know I look a little smug in this picture. Wouldn't you, though. after making something so magnificent?

Because Rainshine maybe just as precious and wondrous to me as Celestarium.

I know I shouldn't play favorites amongst my wooly kids...

So let's just keep this between us, yeah?

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