Monday, July 10, 2017

Listing to One Side

I have so many things I'm juggling right now that if I were to try and write them in a coherent fashion, I'd be chained to this laptop for a week.


LIST IT UP, BEFORE I GO GO-back to working on this massive list, like, gaddamn.

1. I hit a hundred posts on here! Well, really this one makes 104. I'm really bad about stuff like this, people. I missed my 8k view mark by over 100 views...

2. We went to Cleveland Pride a few weeks ago and it was an amazing and fun experience (minus the sunburn). I REALLY want to take the time to write a proper post about this, but I honestly probably won't get to it until after Ren Faire (WHICH IS IN TWO WEEKS OH MY GOD SO MUCH TO DO)

For now, just have a couple of pics.

3. I actually managed to finish a project!

It was a small one, but still.

I had won a skein of Plymouth Gina in a contest years ago. I had started the Deep Sea Flower Dice Bag pretty early on in my knitting career, but never finished it.

I had pulled it out of the bottom of the WIP basket and was horrified by just how bad it looked. So, a quick rip later, and I was ready to try again.

Much better this time.

I fiddled with the sizing and pretty much doubled the number of stitches. I wanted to make sure this thing could hold my entire collection plus more. Because, let's be honest, hoarding dice is *almost* as much fun as hoarding yarn.

I fiddled with the color repeats to get the look I wanted.

And used almost the entire skein. I had so little left over that it wasn't even worth keeping.

I love the way it sits open, too.

Sadly, though, my bag is now severely lacking in the dice department. It doesn't have that nice full heft to it.


Such a pitiful amount. John probably wouldn't care if I ordered a set... or five.

4. Mikayla, the absolute darling, gifted me with a wonderfully squishy skein of Malabrigo.

It's just begging to be made into a cowl or something equally as charming and delightful that lays right next to your skin.

5. Mermaid Lair has been started.

I'm through the first three charts and have just started the repeatable lace section.

6. What you don't see is the additional 4 to 5 hours worth of work, with a whole big stinking heap of frustration added in. 

I'm working on this using my tablet for the pattern rather than a physical copy out of sheer laziness and/or wanting to get started and not having access to a printer at like midnight when I started this thing for environmentally friendly reasons.

And this is how it normally looks when I have it zoomed to a comfortable level for me.

Which was fine until I get to Fancy Lace Chart 2.

See this part?

This section caused me to knit the whole damn chart TWICE, with major hair pulling out, crying, and major tinking.

Have you spotted what could have possibly thrown me off?


That bloody little "3" made me want to set fire to the whole damn thing.

Things seem to be smooth sailing from here, aside from the ridiculous amount of beads.

7. Well, they would be smooth sailing if I was actually working on this shawl.

But I'm not.

I'm cheating. I'm cheating hard.

And I'm, once again, putting myself in the predicament of having to get some major things accomplished in a very short amount of time. 

Our Ren Faire date is in less than two weeks. July 22nd, to be exact.

And I have a boatload of costume things to get done. 

I refuse to list them all here because I'm just going to make myself cry.

AND we're finally getting a dumpster to clean out the junkyard that is our garage this week. Which means major hours devoted to cleaning.

So what better to do than add in KNITTING A WHOLE BLOODY SHAWL in this timeframe?

Well, what can I say? I'm a sucker for heaping enormous amounts of pressure on myself.

8. Assuming that I do get this done, and then get Mermaid Lair done in the following six weeks, it will make my last blog post and subsequent freakout null and void.

9. That's really bloody annoying to think about.

10. I may be a little bitter.

11. Damnit.

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