Monday, September 11, 2017

Falling Into It

Sometimes, such a simple little idea can turn into something fantastic and wonderful.

Remember my little Bulbasaur?

Yeah, well, a week or so ago I had a silly little thought. And ended up making this.


It's a Fallbasaur.

The problem is that now *everyone* wants one.

So, even though I said I'd never sell my yarn crafts, I decided to relax this and take some orders.

First one just needs a pumpkin. And then there's 4 more to do after this.

This is also my roundabout way of saying that Mermaid Lair is totally not getting done in time. I'm going to aim for November's Zelda Symphony that we'll be going to. I'll fancy myself up just for that.

As for the wedding, I'll probably just wear Rainshine and the blue dress that John loves so much.

I *did* cast on something simple for September's shawl, though.

I wound up that delightful skein I bought at Great Trail and started a simple triangle shawl.

Still no idea how it's going to end up, but I'm excited for another simple project.

Henry knows I need it.

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