Saturday, September 1, 2018

Can I Get a Thicc-ness?

Last year's Great Trail was marked by John and I shivering our arses off, huddling together under a dozen blankets, trying to pool what little body we had between us. As I sat there, contemplating offing a buffalo and crawling inside its carcass (hey, it worked for Mr. Skywalker), I vowed that this year, I WOULD NOT BE COLD.

No, we're not going to discuss the fact that it is currently 85°F out and will only be steadily rising for the rest of the weekend, okay? Just... just... just look at the damn shawl!

Meet Squish Squash, my third completely original shawl pattern. And the second one that was designed, knit, and finished in less than a week.

I had 400 yards of a bulky weight cotton/wool mix that I wanted to use for this shawl. The plan was to use as much of it as possible without running out because there wasn't really a way to get any more. And, well.... I ran out.

So I had to improvise a solution. I grabbed two random balls of browinsh-grey worsted weight from the scrap basket as well as a ball of Eco Duo that I've had for years, held them together and prayed to Henry that it would work.

Happy to report that it worked beautifully. And I absolutely love it now. Wasn't too keen on it at first, but after seeing the finished thing, I adore it.

It also came out to be the perfect size. Just enough to wrap around without any bits dangling down into "catch on fire" territory.

I also really enjoyed doing the cables on this one. And I may actually be craving doing some more???

Who the hell even am I?!

Someone who's goddamn warm as feck right now, that's who.

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