Monday, December 3, 2018

Let's Get Merry

My Christmas knitting is ALMOST done. Just a few projects left and then I am FREE! Free to do other projects! To knit miles of lace again! I've been so devoid of it in my life!

What's that?

No... I *certainly* did not knit myself another lace tam in the middle of my Christmas knitting to take the edge off.

Okay, fine. But that's been the only thing, I swear! I was dying from a lace drought!


Listen, I can explain...





We kind of went overboard this year because, let's face it, this year's been shit. And I need Christmas in a way that I never have before. I need the lights and the colors and the snow and the happiness this season usually brings me. So, my house it pretty dang merry right now.

We'll start in the dining room, above our window seat. (Also, apologies in advance for the not-great pictures. It's REALLY HARD to take good ones of all these decorations.)

This year's colors were originally inspired by peacocks, but as always, I added my own twist. I thought the coppery orange added a great pop of color next to all of the blues and greens.

We used gold as our main metallic accent color.

Next is the doorway going into the kitchen.

Not going to lie, I was scraping the bottom of the barrel of all my decorations for this one. It was the last one I did yesterday and I was pretty tapped. And John wasn't about to drive half an hour north to let me buy more stuff.

Next is the dining room arch, facing the living room.

This ribbon was my favorite find this year. It shifts from purple to teal to emerald green. I was so sad that I could only find two spools of it.

Because I'm an over-the-top sort of person, I decided that we were going to do two trees this year, too. So to finish off the dining room, here's the dining room tree.

This one is John's favorite because he did most of the decorating. Yes, yes, I finally relaxed control enough to let someone else do some decorating. And he did a fantastic job of it.

Moving along into the living room, we have the doorway going outside.

And the one going into our hallway.

This one is hands down my favorite of all the doorway decorations.

And here's the arch going into the dining room.

The mantle above the fireplace tends to be my centerpiece for Christmas decorating. It's usually the first thing I do and lets me play around with my colors and textures until I fall in love with it. Then that sets the tone for the rest of the decorating.

This year, I am particularly proud and enamoured with how it came out.

These poinsettias were my other favorite find. I only managed to grab two of them and I jealously guarded them from other shoppers while hunting for more. Sadly, they were apparently popular and I couldn't find like the 80 bushels of them that I really wanted.

I also wasn't able to find the peacock feathers that I wanted to have poking up out of all this. Well, couldn't find them at a reasonable price. But I'll have them for next year because for the first time ever, I'm planning on using the same theme two years in a row.  There's a reason why, but that'll come later.

For now, I just have my little glass friend tucked amongst the glitter.

And one last shot before moving onto the best part.

Our second tree is the one that I decorated. And, as expected, my favorite of the two. It came out so beautiful and wonderful that I'm going to have a hard time taking it down in the spring. (What? You don't leave your decorations up until after Easter? What kind of a person are you?!)

I went overboard.

I know I did.

But I ADORE trees where you hardly see the greenery. Where every time you look at it, you find something new.

To quote the younglings, I am "living" for this tree.

And lest you think that I forgot something, here are both of the trees all lit up.

And this is where we all agree that my tree is better because LOOK AT THE SPARKLE!

Well, I hear a certain scrap of lace calling to me, begging to be finished. And I'm not about to say no to 100% cashmere.

Listen, it's the holidays. Go spoil yourselves a little. I certainly am.

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