Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Battle Begins

Alright, y'all.

It's that time of year again.

Unending dinners with family members who are closed minded and bigoted at best, and LITERAL FUCKING NAZIS at worst.

Some of us are in the position to be able to fight against them, to call them out, damn the repercussions. To cut them out of our lives entirely with nary a moment of regret.

And some of us, unfortunately, are not.

This is for you in that position. When family members won't use the right pronouns, refuse to acknowledge your partners, tell you that you're "crazy"... all the bullshit we face. And we're just expected to take it because FAAAAAAMMMMMMILY!

Fuck That.

You. Are. Valid.

You. Are. Worth. Everything.

You. Deserve. Happiness.



You will always have a safe place here.

So, if things get bad today, tomorrow, whenever... You are ALWAYS welcome here. Reach out on Instagram, Twitter, wherever and talk to me. I'll be your support, your champion. I'll be the Best Mom Friend you've ever had.

I love you all so much!

Good luck out there. We'll get through this because we've got each other.

"Courage, my dear lion."

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