Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mail Bag

I've gotten a lot of fun things in the mail recently that I've just been dying to show off.

(We won't discuss how this is also a super low effort post, which is exactly how much I can do right now...)

First up is the amazing skein of yarn I won from Desert Panda Fiber Arts. It was part of the Quiet Queers Craftalong. And I am in LOVE.


It's sooooo prrreeeeeettttyyyyy.

Speaking of winning things, I ALSO won the giveaway for the #KnittingAndIceCream contest hosted by the wonderful Jacqui.

(And no, I don't know how I won two contests so close together, either... O-o)

The whole point was to say a giant "fuck you" to fat phobia and fat-shaming companies.

This was my entry.

It was also what inspired the blog post that I wrote recently, too.

The prize was 9 skeins of yarn that Jacqui herself won from a yarn retailer who posted some rather problematic, fat-phobic things.

It IS a lovely shade of grey (my favorite neutral) and I can't wait to make something particularly fitted for my body with it.

And if winning two giveaways wasn't enough, I was gifted this GORGEOUS lace gradient yarn by my fellow all-things-lacy-and-beaded friend, A. Llama.

I have PLANS for this.

But alas, all my plans really do have to wait until I get this dang ceremony shawl done.

Let's see, what else?...

Oh! I also got a couple of new pins for my project bag, both of which happened to be bee themed.

This adorable little beekeeping hedgehog from The Clever Clove...

And this BEEEE20!!!

This one is from Monstrous Incantation.

And after a glowing recommendation from a dear instagram friend, Yelley, I bought a new project bag from Tomboy Femme Bags.

Isn't it lovely?

Look at the pretty lining!

It's a great addition to the collection and is holding my new scrap project quite nicely.

Oh, I suppose you'd like to see that, too, huh?

I'm kinda at a standstill at the moment because I'm nearly out of the ivory yarn. But a new skein is on its way, so hopefully I can get back to it soon.

In the meantime, I'm working on getting the pattern written up for it. And I'm doing so in my new bullet journal dedicated just to my knitting projects.

I actually originally ordered this as my next bullet journal (I've almost finished my first!), but it was a little too big for my everyday journal. So knitting journal it is!

I'll finish up with a little sneak peek at my latest finished object.

Full post about that later this week!

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