Thursday, October 24, 2019

From the Archives

Things have been pretty quiet on the Finished Object front. I've mostly just been working on my vow renewal shawl, which ended up being a good thing because yours truly is going to need a 4th ball of yarn...

Anyway, rather than just show you progress pictures of that (it's not that interesting, I promise), I thought it'd be fun to dive into the archives of some of my earliest projects.

I've now been knitting for over 6 years. I learned how to crochet a year before that. Needless to say, I have a few older projects hanging around here.

Why don't we start with my very first shawl ever?

I'm sure it comes as a shock to you all that this thing is MASSIVE.

It was crocheted using a mixture of random yarns, most of which I couldn't tell you weight they were. But somehow it all worked out.

I had no idea what gauge was. The eyelets in this thing are big enough to fly a damn plane through.

I also messed up the pattern, adding so many extra stitches that I can wrap this around me completely at least two times.

But it was an important first step in my fiber journey, so as many flaws as it has, I still love it.

Speaking of important steps, let's look at the shawl where I discovered (much to my horror) that I'd been knitting the COMPLETELY WRONG WAY for almost TWO YEARS!!

Yep, I'd been twisting my stitches in every project since the beginning. I guess it's fairly common with people who go from crochet to knitting, but I was frustrated and annoyed with myself when I found out.

I pretty much had to relearn how to knit after this, which wasn't exactly easy. But I did it, and haven't had too many problems since then. *snort*

Looking back, I've also realized that I never really liked following patterns to the letter. This hat, my first, looks so completely different from the pattern that it's comical.

It's... umm... grown just a *wee bit* over the years and is just slightly slouchy now.

And the last project for the day is another shawl I crocheted.

This one was a lesson in patience, with having to frog back a few times, which is SUPER FUN with very fuzzy yarn like this angora.

I hope you enjoyed this trip into some fuzzy memories (heh) with me. I've got plenty more hanging around here, so don't be surprised if this becomes a semi-regular post topic.

For now, though, I should probably get back to the vow renewal shawl. I'm thinking that I'm going to need two more skeins for it, so y'know, if you want to toss some ko-fi's my way, now is the time.


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