Monday, October 14, 2019

Pumpkin Patch Pickins'


Cool weather, crunchy leaves, ACTUALLY GETTING TO WEAR MY NEW SWEATER, I'm embracing it all. Especially the pumpkin part.

I finally took the time to knit myself a new Fall basaur since I gave the original away.

And yes, you can just see it poking out there, but he also has a tiny scarf. too.

I'm also particularly proud the pumpkin. I wanted one of those knobbly ones that always get left behind at the pumpkin patch, so I used bobbles to give this one some texture.

And if knitting one pumpkin wasn't enough, I also had to make one for a special neighbor's birthday.

And OF COURSE it had to be pink.

I used up the last skein of the pink bulky yarn I had used for her sweater. And I mean I USED it. There's nothing left.

The leaf is completely improvised (like, I grabbed some needles and just went full free-form on it) and felted. I thought it'd add a nice little contrast to all the pink.

And if that wasn't enough pumpkin for you, we ALSO added this dude to the front porch.

And because I had to clean off the table anyway, I thought I'd snap a few pictures of the yarn I'm planning on using for a Knit Along.

Yu Ra, the amazing person who hosted the Quiet Queers Craftalong, has been releasing so many new and amazing patterns lately.

Her newest, Bojagi Shawl, is just lovely. I've been eagerly awaiting the release date AND IT'S HERE!

Even better? She's offering it for FREE!

A KAL is being hosted from now until December 14th, so y'know, you should totally join us for that.

And make sure you donate to her Ko-Fi account as a thank you for such an amazing pattern.

Now I'm sure you're ready to see the yarn, right?

Guess what, though?


This is Valencia from Destination Yarn.

Jeanne had a trunk show at Harps & Thistles over the weekend, so I HAD to stop by for a visit.

This was like THE COLOR that jumped out to me.

(I don't know what the sudden obsession with pink is, either...)

BUT lest you be worried that I am forgoing green entirely, I'm pairing this with a deeply muted sage that is IMPOSSIBLE to photograph.

I tried in bright sun.

And pairing it with the pink.

NONE of them even come close to capturing it.

Oh well.

All you need to know is that:
1. It's pretty
2. It's stash yarn
3. It's lace weight held double

So, now that we have that out of the way, I'm going to go knit, okay?


Listen, I HAVE been working on it.

I'm through the first chart. And I've estimated that I have roughly 15 working days left on it. So it WILL get done in time, I swear.

Look, I'll even show you my progress!

Aww, dangit, seeing this makes me want to work on it right now, too.

Maybe I can do a two-at-a-time shawl?

Hey, it works for socks...

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