Monday, December 7, 2015

Back Into the Dark

I know that I've been severely neglecting this blog. I've barely been knitting these past couple of weeks. It was like once Funkia was done, I lost all desire to really start knitting anything new. On top of that, my depression has really been acting up and has kept me from really enjoying anything.

I did cast on a Christmas present for a friend, but after some comments made, I don't have any real motivation to finish it. It will probably just be frogged. In fact, I think I'm not going to knit them anything at all this year. I'll still make them something, but it'll be utilizing a different craft skill.

I did get two of the four snowflakes that I needed to done. I'll probably finish the others sometime this week. No pictures, though. I've been pretty lazy on that front. Just trust me that they're pretty.

Let me tell you, it was weird to crochet after pretty much exclusively knitting this entire year. And, if I am to be completely honest, I think I enjoy knitting more. Which makes me feel like an absolute traitor, but there you go.

I also knit up a fingerless glove for my aunt, but wasn't sure if I like the pattern. It was just an improvised thing. I showed it to my grandma and she said that she liked it. The problem is, I didn't write any notes while making it. Let's see if I can make a matching one. I'm not very hopeful.

Harps and Thistles had another pj party last Friday that I was able to attend. And I got to bring my sister-wife along! I hadn't seen Morgan since out last D&D session in the beginning of October. I had missed her terribly. I talked her into buying herself some gorgeous mint green Berroco Folio yarn. I've got my eye on some of it for myself at some point.

For myself, I picked up two more skeins of Three Irish Girls. I think it may be an addiction at this point. One was an exclusive colorway they had that I'd been eyeing for a while called Furnace Run. It's a gorgeous golden yellow and I have plans on making myself a hat out of it as soon as I'm done with my Christmas knitting.

I also picked up this beauty to make a hat for someone special. I did a swatch and it looks incredible knit up.

I'm actually very proud of the way I handled myself at the pj party. Especially because Cindy yelled to Sarah that I'd arrived and Sarah insisted I had to sit by her. Having friends there as support makes it easier for me to not be quite as much of a socially awkward human. 

I actually jumped right into conversation with other people, most of whom were strangers. And I didn't obsessively beat myself up over what I said at the party as we headed home. That's also probably partially because Morgan and I had months of catching up to do. Hard to be plagued by your own thoughts when you don't shut up for hours.

Sunday afternoon, John insisted on doing housework. I really wasn't feeling up to it, so I got to spend time just hanging out with Alex. She played Splatoon and we watched some YouTube videos. It was quite nice and something I think we both needed.

Unfortunately, I ended up getting sick last night. I shouldn't have eaten supper as late as I did and paid the price. I slept in the recliner to keep myself propped up. And by slept, I mean that I would doze for about an hour and then wake up in a blind panic attack. Needless to say, last night was NOT restful. And I still don't feel quite well. So I didn't get a lot of knitting done today.

I've got 18 days to get 2 hats, a cowl, a shawl, and one more fingerless glove done. I think I can do it, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little bit nervous. But rather than worrying about it, I'll just share some pictures of my decorated living room.

And yes, those are llama statues on my mantle. And yes, one of them does, in fact, have a cowl.

Did you really expect anything less from me?

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